Crystals for Beginners


Crystals For Beginners

The world of crystals can be enchanting, magical, and a little overwhelming when you’re just starting out. If you’re new to crystals and their healing powers, not to worry, it’s much more intuitive than you may think and finding the right crystals—whether you’re creating a home altar or want to wear them in the form of jewelry—doesn’t need to be intimidating. 

I remember the first crystal that was given to me, a lovely small citrine. I was going through a difficult time in my early twenties and feeling very overwhelmed and depressed. A dear friend of mine handed me the light yellow crystal and told me to keep it in my pocket and anytime I felt sad, anxious, or depressed to simply reach my hand in my pocket and touch the crystal. To recharge its happy, positive energy he instructed me to place her in the sunshine, leave the crystal on the windowsill or take her outside with me on sunny days and let her absorb all the good sunshine vibes before placing her back in my pocket. I was skeptical at first, but the gentle reminder of the love of my friend every time I touched the citrine certainly did help alleviate my depression. 

If you’re a beginner to the world of crystals and you’re ready to dive in and find the right crystals for you, you may want to start by thinking about what kind of energy you either want to attract into or repel out of your life. The more you focus on what is it you want to cultivate from your new crystal friends, the clearer it will become as to which ones to seek out, or which ones will find you. Some excellent crystals to start working with as a beginner are:


The queen of the crystals, quartz comes in many colors and variations but clear quartz, white, cloudy, or clear in appearance is the best place to start your crystal quest. Clear quartz is considered a master healer and helps to absorb, store, regulate, and release energy. Keep a piece of quartz in your room or home to balance out the energy for yourself and for those who may visit you. You can pair clear quartz with other types of quartz, like rose quartz, to help amplify other properties as you begin to dive deeper into this world. 


Like my friend said, citrine is a little ball of happiness. Its color is reminiscent of sunshine, sunflowers, and all around joy. This happy little healer will help you focus on creative projects and lift your mood. Charge her in the sunshine and keep her close to you throughout the day for a little burst of sunshine anytime you need a pick-me-up.


If you’re looking for something to help calm you down rather than pick you up, look to our powerful friend, amethyst. Purple in color this crystal helps dispel negative energy and thoughts, brings clarity, and promotes a stress-free environment. Purple has always been associated with royalty and amethyst may well be the high priestess of stones. Keep her next to your bed at night to help you relax and sleep deeply and restfully. 


Protection, strength, and the ability to block out negative energy are found in this warrior. Black, sleek, shiny, and fierce obsidian was often used to make spearheads and knifes and it’s no wonder that this strong yet sexy stone is the protector crystal. You might consider wearing a piece of jewelry with obsidian if you’ve got some challenging tasks ahead or adorn your altar or safe space with a chunk of this powerful friend to remind you of your inner strength and your ability to stay strong in all situations. 

As you begin to deepen your understanding of the world of crystals you’ll fall even more in love with the beauty and wonder that these natural healing aides have to offer. See what organically comes your way as you open yourself up to the profound depths of these silent teachers. Whether you’re a beginner or even if you feel like an expert, there is always wisdom to be gained from the world of crystals and the more you are willing to listen, the louder you will hear them calling to you.  
