THC-O In Sarasota
/With several THC related products like CBD, Delta-8, Delta-10 and now THC-O becoming legalized in certain states, we understand that it can get confusing learning the difference between them all. For those who are in need of assistance in choosing a product that is right for you and the experience you want, we have put together a few blog posts about each (THC-O, Delta 8 and Delta-10) to get you familiar with the expanding world of hemp products. Let’s start with the newest edition to the bunch, THC-O.
What is THC-O?
THC-O-Acetate — or THC-O is a synthetic compound formed by extracting Delta-9 molecules from the hemp plant and chemically altering their structure to replace the THC hydroxyl group with an Acetyl group, making it easier for our bodies to absorb. Delta-9 THC is the main psychoactive compound found in the cannabis plant, giving THC-O a psychoactive effect as well. The binding properties are different for each, meaning THC-O will affect the body in a different way. Research has shown that THC-O is 3 times stronger than conventional THC — now dubbed “the psychedelic cannabinoid”. Due to its intense nature, for your first experience we recommend starting small, waiting an hour or so, and then increase your dosage until you hit your perfect amount. Be mindful of your dosing of THC-O, because it might hit harder and last longer than expected. You can shop THC-O products on our website.
THC-O disposable vapes from Torch.
THC-O Benefits
Like many hemp related products, THC-O has the ability to induce:
Pain Relief
And a few more added benefits like:
A slight psychedelic effect
Enhanced creativity