Wild Ginger Apothecary's 7th Anniversary!
/Today marks 7 years for Wild Ginger Apothecary. Beyond the immense gratitude to be here, to know all of you, there are parts of this journey I haven’t shared much. The past 7 years have been about becoming, transforming, growing, shifting, evolving. Now it seems after a 180 in the evolution of our community, we have arrived at where we’re meant to stay. I have felt the same for myself as I have grown, pushed, pulled, and bloomed right alongside my sweet small business.
So where did it all begin? My first career was in residential remodeling with my family business. Being a licensed builder in a male-dominated industry was exciting, empowering, challenging… but it wasn't my true soul work. So 16+ years ago, I switched gears. I added a part time gig at my favorite crystal shop in Ann Arbor, falling more and more in love with the natural healing world. I originally moved to Sarasota with dreams of opening a metaphysical shop in 2006, but the universe had other plans, throwing me into natural retail management. This was another industry I adored, furthering my obsession with natural and organic living, where I stayed for 8 years to come. I soaked up knowledge with roles in natural beauty, wellness, vitamins and supplements, and then ending in medical cannabis. That’s how the first evolution of WGA became what it was!
The middle part of the story was that I didn’t last 2 years in Sarasota that round. I couldn’t find my tribe, my community, my support, my inspiration. As a young person, I was hungry for like-minded friends, for being seen, for being able to live fully expressed. That deepened in my career shifts; each role getting closer to the dream, and each edit leaving me searching more and more for a healthy, mindful, conscious, open, expansive network to BELONG to. Wild Ginger was a dream project that took a lifetime to envision, a decade to create, and another 7 years to fine tune. On this path, I created a store that became a community, that turned out to be the place I’d been searching for my whole life. All who have come along, the friends and family we’ve created here, have been seemingly looking for the same thing.
The direction, vibe, even function of Wild Ginger has evolved and resulted in an arrival right where that dream started. I have always loved and been devoted to natural living, but our “eco-friendly health + beauty” beginnings weren’t broad enough for the mind/body/spirit connection I was missing. For the holistic, modern, metaphysical offerings I sought out in my youth to adulthood. I strayed from the roots of my dream and it turns out those roots continue to grow bigger until they sprout. Now here we are, not just an apothecary for natural living, but a space to let yourself BLOOM. From improved health with CBD and herbs, to soul and self care with mindfulness offerings: there is something for you, for me, for all of us. That has always been the core goal.
The ebb and flow of having a business is the fuel to the entrepreneur's inner fire. As a strong-willed, independent spirit that was often “too much” or “too bossy,” there was no other path that could have fulfilled me in this way. As I continued to finesse my dream and intuition, I got closer and closer to just what my soul was searching for… until we arrived here. Until I had all of you, and this space matured, and this real community was built.
There were a lot of hard lessons that couldn’t have been avoided; I took the long, winding, rough road again and again. Yet it was never the wrong path. It never is. Sometimes we are redirected to get closer to our unique destination. I’m not a fan of the “don’t quit” workaholic mantra. In fact, if it doesn’t light you up, or affects your serenity, or distracts you from your bigger vision, you should quit. I quit a handful of careers, places, and relationships to arrive here. I never quit WGA when times were hard (and for the first several years and during a pandemic, there were many); not because of strength or ego, but because it still brings me joy. It still fills my heart. The work we do here - from the conscious items we sell to the classes and groups we offer - still come from a place of pure love, devotion, passion, care and conscious choice. I can't imagine any other path that could have brought me here. Extra thanks to the superstar staff and team has been such a tremendous blessing through the years
If there’s a dream in your heart you can’t wait to fulfill - a job, a business, a move, a project - I’m here to cheer you on. It’s never too late to do what you love, and to love what you do, day in and day out. I might not teach many Desire Map or Inspired Business classes these days, but my passion lies eternally in the intention around that work. If I can do it, so can you. I would all love to hear about the magic you’re dreaming up next time you’re in.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for being part of this journey. For listening to my dreams and visions, and for supporting them since day one. For discovering WGA, for discovering me, in the past 7 years. For continuing to return, for telling your friends, for bringing your family, for getting to know us, for letting us know you. WGA was never just a store, it has always been an experience, and for that I thank each and every one of you who have ever stepped through these doors for contributing to it. You have ALL been my biggest gift.
Big love, always,
Our blank slate, July 2014!
Opening Day October 1st, 2014!